Saturday Morning in Japan

Well up and Jeremiah is making breakfast....delicious. It and has been cloudy since I arrived here, but the temp is great and the company is even better. Since yesterday was Friday and I do the Lent fasting thing, Jeremiah's friends Ai and Mark invited us over for was awesome. I have never made my own sushi before...rolling it all together and mix and matching what goes in it...too cool and very delicious. After that we grabbed ice cream with them and watched a movie at their place. An awesome first day in Japan. Here are some pictures from this morning!

Crazy Borns

My friends Katie is so great and crazy and her kiddo is too. She is so cute but I think we found the source to the kid's craziness at Starbucks the other day...

Visit from my Family

My dad's birthday is coming up and since I will be gone, my family came to visit me! I was surprised to see my sister and neice... it was a wonderful surprise! My sister is pretty pregnant but begining to feel miserable with that big belly! My niece was cute like always. My mom and dad were good and it was great to see them. My brother and his girlfriend came too. It was so wonderful having everyone...even if it was a challenge to find places for everyone to sleep! The pictures are of my niece playing IN my toy box...cheezing the smile of course. Jeremiah on the webcam in his flight suit. He played with my niece through the webcam and she just loved it. She loves to wave to him and he waves back. She keep pointing to him and telling me, "That's yours." Too cute.