Tristen & Titus

Tristen and Titus were born 17 April 2008. Tristen @ 9:50pm at a whopping 4.5lbs; Titus came out breach @ 10:07pm at an exact 4lbs. Here I am holding Tristen on the 19th. Everyone is doing well. Danielle is doing a great job with them, but since I do love my sister, I will not post a picture of her here quite yet (she is up almost constantly with feedings and other baby care X 2). I will have more pictures soon. They look quite a bit alike. They have blonde fuzz hair and sound like little kittens or puppies when they begin to cry. Too cute. They are staying a couple of extra days in the hospital just to be sure they begin to maintain their weight. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my sister, her family, and the new additions.

Why is this man Smiling?

He is the proud uncle of 2 healthy baby nephews, Tristan & Titus. Born 17 April 2008. Titus was 4lbs even and Tristen was 4lbs and some change. Everyone is doing well and I'll get pictures up as soon as possible. (and Jeremiah looks so cute in his new sunglasses!)

Love you and miss you all!

Spring Finally

I spent the day cleaning up my yard trying to liven up my back patio. Little tiny plants are starting to grow and the hanging decoration my mom gave me helps out too. I was sitting outside and reading as well as talking with Jeremiah. Thank God for the change in the weather. Let's hope it means life is brightening too!!! Love you and miss you all.